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About the Friends

Friends book donation day 4-6-13.jpg
Join us sign on wooden cubes on pile of

Our library is a center for research, culture and learning.  

While the library system is tax supported,

many items cannot be included in the annual budget.  

The Friends of the Ocean Township Library is proud to be one of hundreds of

similar groups throughout the country that  has worked over 60 years to

 support and enhance our public libraries.

Who we are 

The Friends of the Township of Ocean Library is an all volunteer,

member supported,  nonprofit organization dedicated to

supporting and enhancing the programs and resources of

the public library in Ocean Township, NJ.


What we do  

  • Make direct gifts of material and equipment to the library 

  • Provide volunteer help for library events 

  • Organize and conduct used book sales and fund raising events 

  • Sponsor special programs and events 

  • Help raise community awareness of the library 



Executive Board

President:                                                  Claire Steimle

Vice President:                                         Vacant

Treasurer:                                                  Harriet Cook

Recording Secretary:                              Barbara Saint John

Corresponding Secretary:                     Karen Devlin

Historian Emeritus                                  William Haas

Historian:                                                   Vacant

Book Inventory Committee Chair:     Lynn Librizzi

Great Ideas Committee Chair:             Barbara Saint John

Publicity Committee:                             Michele Tringali,

                                                                     Harriet Cook, 

                                                                     Louise Catron                                                                     

Our Mission
Vintage Bookstore

Our mission is to maintain an organization of persons interested in good library services; to stimulate community interest in the facilities and service of the Township of Ocean Library and to enrich the cultural opportunities available to all citizens of the township and qualified borrowers.

Over 60 years ago, a group of friends and neighbors joined together to form the Township of Ocean Public Library Association, to provide library service to our growing community. Working with the county library, we originally had bookmobile service. The first “library” was housed in the Wanamassa fire house. Over the years the goal of this group was realized with the building of the original Library in 1966, and now with our current library dedicated in April 2006. We have dissolved the original Library Association and formed the Friends of the Ocean Township Library.

Print Roller
Our History


Township of Ocean Public Library

(Branch of the Monmouth County Library)

701 Deal Road

Ocean, NJ.  07712


Library Hours:

Mon 10AM-9PM

Tues   9AM-9PM

Wed.  9AM-9PM

Thurs  9AM-9PM

Fri.      1PM-5PM

   Sat.     9AM-5PM**

Sunday::  CLOSED

** July and Aug Sat 9AM-1PM


Friends of the Township of Ocean Library

701 Deal Rd.

Ocean, NJ.  07712

Question or suggestion for the Friends?

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